George Reed - Wizard

   This is a small collection of pages of clipart drawn by Dr. George Reed of West Chester University and Spitz, Inc. in Pennsylvania. Many of these illustrations appeared in his West Chester Daily News column and in his book "Naked i Astronomy". The book was first printed as a textbook in 1976 and it was later reprinted in a spiral bound version in 1988. It is a collection of astronomy lessons and newspaper columns written by Dr. Reed during the 1970's. His sense of humor and writing style along with the characters and situations he drew made for some really fun and educational reading.

   'Back in the day' I used many of his illustrations as clipart in various newsletters and materials for my students or workshops back when that meant having a copy machine, tape or paste, and whiteout in order to add clipart to the 'master copy' before it was ready to be mass copied.

   At a regional Planetarium conference during the mid-90's I received permission from Dr. Reed to make these illustrations available. That was something I never got around to completing. Now, many years later, I came across a box of Planetarium materials in my basement including a folder with the clipart.
   Use the thumbnail image links below to access some of his creative clipart. These are in the jpg picture format and each will open in a new browser window.